Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 10: God Damn It, Megan!

Class was pretty good today! My body felt nice and relaxed so I could go deeper into the poses. I did take two deep breaths during the warm up breathing exercises, which was awesome!

However, when I was sitting on my own, I was in my zone concentrating and Megan leaned over to let me know I was almost going to beat my best time and that totally threw me off and I fell over. I started cracking up! Thankfully, my teacher Brook remarked that she enjoys my attitude during class, rather than admonishing me for breaking the silence with my laughter. Overall I was able to sit for 7:10!

A good class!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's fantastic progress! I'm sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday. I'll be there tomorrow, and then I'll be traveling the rest of the week. Keep going!
